junk noun: ( RUBBISH ) /dʒʌŋk/ n [U] things that are considered to be of no use or value, or of low quality We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.
I can't stand watching the junk that's on TV these days.
I can't stand watching the junk that's on TV these days.
offshore: adjective /ˌɒfˈʃɔːr//ˌɑːfˈʃɔːr/ adj (of companies and banks) based in a different country with different tax rules that cost them less money
pop in: informal to go into a place, especially a friend's house, just for a short time If you're passing by you should pop in for a chat some time. [usually + adv/prep]
receipt: noun 1 PAPER [C] a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money Could I have a receipt? Remember to keep receipts for any work done.
teller: noun [C] US someone who works in a bank and gives out or takes in money
withdrawal: noun ( TAKING OUT ) /wɪðˈdrɔː.əl//-ˈdrɑː-/ n [C or U] when you take money out of a bank account The bank became suspicious after several large withdrawals were made from his account in a single week.
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